King Ezer and The Dragon
A Christmas
By Sheila Dougal
There once was a King named Ezer.
He was the strongest king ever.
He lived on the highest mountain,
Which had a magical fountain.
Whatever he’d think, King Ezer did have
When he would drink from his fountain called Glad.
One day, as he sat on his throne
He heard a most horrible moan.
“Help!” moaned his subjects below
Who lived in the Desert of Woe.
He thought to himself, “I will help them,”
So he drank from his Glad fountain.
With that magical drink
He left his throne in a blink.
When that blink was over,
He looked to see what smelled of clover.
When he looked up he saw
A curious cow chewing straw.
He reached out with his hand so small,
To see who had come to that stable in awe.
You see, the richest King Ezer
Became the poorest baby ever.
To help those miserable Woeians,
He left all at his
Glad fountain.
He knew all that he had
When he drank from the fountain of Glad,
Would never go away
Though he lay in a manger of hay.
Boy, were those Woeians happier than ever
When they heard, come, had King Ezer.
But that’s not the end of this Christmas story
So don’t run off in such a hurry.
The most important thing ever
Is what happened next to King Ezer.
He grew as a boy in that barren land
And became a poor carpenter man.
When he could see all that happened in Woe
He knew how low he had to go.
For all those people in the Desert of Woe had fallen for traps
That looked like snacks,
And in deep holes
That went far below,
Crying, “Help! Help! It was he,
That nasty, mean Dragon did trip me.”
So this poor carpenter man,
Knowing he was King Ezer over all the land,
Went to the Dragon and said,
“Let these Woeians be,
Instead you can have me.”
That old, nasty Dragon did laugh, snorting fire,
For he thought to himself, “I’ll make myself higher!”
Down laid the poor carpenter man
For that old, nasty Dragon to snatch up in his hand.
And off he did fly all through the town,
Snorting and throwing the carpenter around.
“This man is a fool! He said he’d agree
To give his life to set you all free.
But now that I have him you’re all going to suffer,
Cause I’m going to devour this man for my supper!”
Then all of the Woeians wept painfully,
For all they hoped from King Ezer, seemed, never would be.
For three days in a pit, with that old, nasty Dragon
Lay Ezer seemingly forgotten.
But on the day, the best ever in Woe,
King Ezer came back with a nail-shaped key in tow.
When the Woeians saw he did have this,
They shouted, “Hurray! Today we’re the gladdest!”
And out of their traps and their holes he did offer
With the key that had once kept them all poppers.
This brings us, now, to the end of the tale,
Well, not really,
More like a new beginning.
After these people had been set free,
He gave them the nail which was their key.
He said with a smile,
“Don’t be sad that I’m going away to my fountain of Glad.
For when I get there I’m going to be,
Building you mansions on my high mountain of Glee.
When I return to take you there with Me,
I want to find you serving plenty.
For what I’ve done with this key
I give to you to repeat endlessly.
So go through the land,
As far as you can,
And offer those people in traps you do see
To once and for all finally be free!
Now this is a tale,
Since it rhymes we all know it,
But really it’s true
The Bible does show it.
For we all have gotten in holes and traps
And God sent His Son to free us at last!
“Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be
free indeed.”-John 8:36
King Ezer and the Dragon in the Bible
1) King Ezer: God is our King: “For the Lord Most High is awesome; He is a great King over all the earth.” Psalm 47:2. Our King is Ezer: Ezer is the Hebrew word for help, or helper. “But I am poor and needy; Yet the Lord thinks upon me. You are my help and my deliverer; Do not delay, O my God.” Psalm 40:7
2) The Glad fountain: “For with You is the fountain of life; In Your light we see light.” Psalm 36:9 “There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God, The holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High.” Psalm 46:4
3) The Mountain of Glee: “It is magnificent in elevation – the whole earth rejoices to see it! Mount Zion, the holy mountain, is the city of the great King!” Psalm 48:2
“You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore” Psalm 16:11
4) The King Becomes a baby: “You will become pregnant and have a son, and you are to name him Jesus. He will be very great and will be called the Son of the Most High. And the Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David. And he will reign over Israel forever; his Kingdom will never end!" Luke 1:31-33
5) The People of Woe: “The crown has fallen from our head. Woe to us, for we have sinned!” Lam. 5:16
6) The Old Nasty Dragon: “So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” Rev. 12:9
7) The Traps and Holes: “He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along.” Psalm 40:2 “My eyes are always looking to the LORD for help, for he alone can rescue me from the traps of my enemies.” Psalm 25:15
8) The King dies for the Woeians: “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8
9) The King is alive after 3 days and leaves the Woeians with a job: “For I, the Son of Man, must suffer many terrible things," he said. "I will be rejected by the leaders, the leading priests, and the teachers of religious law. I will be killed, but three days later I will be raised from the dead." Luke 9:22 “"Yes, it was written long ago that the Messiah must suffer and die and rise again from the dead on the third day. With my authority, take this message of repentance to all the nations, beginning in Jerusalem: 'There is forgiveness of sins for all who turn to me.' You are witnesses of all these things.” Luke 24:46-48
10) The King has gone to build us a home with Him:
“Don't be troubled. You trust God, now trust in me. There are many rooms in my Father's home, and I am going to prepare a place for you. If this were not so, I would tell you plainly. When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am.” John 14:1-3
Merry Christmas! Thanks for the message on my blog (you scared me when you said bye!). I was glad to see it was just bye for '08! I love this "tale." Thanks for sharing this. You're a beautiful writer. I love how you let Jesus just shine through your words!
ReplyDeleteHave a most wonderful Christmas... I look forward to 2009 and reading your posts... I have come to make your blog a regular stop to get some encouragment and to be challenged... Blessings!!!
ReplyDeleteSheila, this is outstanding. You are really gifted. You've expressed the cosmic conflict and God's beautiful solution so eloquently... and I know you believe these Truths in your own heart. You have a keen sensitivity to the spiritual battle we're fighting... hard for many Chritians to really comprehend.
ReplyDeleteI loved all the Scriptures you've quoted too. Thanks for all your brave and encouraging posts in 2008. Have a peaceful and blessed Christmas. You are in my prayers.
Love 'n hugs,
e-Mom :~D
2009 already held appeal - but you've given me more to look forward to. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteHow awesome was that? Amazing.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas, Sheila! I'm signing off until the New Year and wanted to wish you and your gorgeous family a wonderful Christmas.
Love, Kristen