I'm leaking
Out my eyes
Out my mouth
I can produce nothing without the miracle of God.
I'm like a bucket full of holes
I can't hold water
I can't achieve my sole purpose
Fill me!
Fill me!
Fill me!
I want to be filled.
But I keep dripping
I'm an ancient city, strong walls breached and broken down.
Build me!
Build me!
Build me!
I want to be strong.
But I keep being found weak
I need a Leak Healer
A Wall Builder
A Life Giver
A Living Water Springer
Aw, forget the bucket
I need a spring in me!
And each time I look square in the mirror at the reality of my inability
Just when I seem most hopeless, or most aware of my hopelessness
Just then I'm most hope filled
I hope like good-as-dead Abraham hoped
In Him who calls into existence the things that do not exist