Love in action

I had such an amazing time with my sister a week ago. I got to see her about-to-burst-with-love-heart-of-a-mom pour out into little Jose and Noah, who I pray will legally be my nephews soon, but even if not, I'll always love them. I can't even really put into words the emotion and revelation of God's love I saw in action there at my sister's place. Here's just a collage of pictures. Jose is 14 months and Noah is 2 months. Please pray for them and for my sister and her husband.

(The other two blondies are my little chickens! :) or Spidermans rather)


  1. I have left comments several times on your blog before.. You do encourage me with your posts. I just read your post about Halloween, and although I feel I stay away from the "evil" theme, I realize that I have not really protected and taught my kids what I need to. Living in this world has desensitized me, and I must focus in on God so I will teach my 3 boys to walk in His ways only.

    Thanks for taking a strong stand in your posts, and I expect that if you keep on this road you may get people who disagree with you from time to time, but stay committed to the "narrow road and way"... That is what I am trying to do too.


  2. Aww how cute!!! I'll pray for your sister! Your boys are adorable!


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