The ministry of a wife

(Cartoon from Joyful Toons)

There's been much discussion and some flat out mean arguing about the ministry of a woman/wife/mom and what her role in the home, church, and society should or shouldn't be. Reading these various articles has actually given me an upset stomach, but when I just come back to God's word I find peace and the heart of my loving Father and perfect God who knows how He designed a woman and what's best for her. He is good. He does not desire us to bear a burden that is not ours to bear, yet He stretches us in ways we wouldn't usually volunteer for.

One thing I know for sure, whether you work outside your home or not, whether you're involved in a formal church ministry or not, whether you're a skilled and crafty domestic woman or not, God designed you to be the builder of your home. And the ministry of a wife IS a high and holy calling.


  1. AMEN sister! You go girl!

    There is no Scriptural evidence that says that a woman who works outside the home is not a biblically submissive wife, which is so precious in the sight of God. After all, the Proverbs 31 woman worked in and outside of her home.

    Bless you sweet sister for sharing such strong truth that we all need to hear!

    Love you dearly,

  2. I think this every time I read your posts, so are you listening?


  3. You're right! The calling of the woman is a high and holy one. :) God Bless you!

  4. Love your cartoon! In her study in the Psalms of Ascent, Beth Moore points out that "a house" also refers to the "family line." (eg. the "house of David.") As women we're definitely called to build up our families. Excellent post!

  5. I very much agree!

    A wife can alter the direction of the entire family ~ what an incredibly honorable and holy calling.


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