At His Mercy

"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." -James 4:8

Sometimes I'm overwhelmed, like tonight, with the impossibleness of the ones I love drawing near to God. Even my own faith is tested and I know, that if my faith wasn't kept by the power of God (1 Peter 1:5) I would not draw near to Him either.

I mean, why would a person draw near to the God who by all means must and should reject you? So many doubts, so many unanswered questions, so much lack of understanding, so much love of darkness... why would anyone come to Him, even these that I love... even myself!?

I think all this, and I'm there, at the table the LORD prepares for me in the PRESENCE of my enemies (Psalm 23:5). Surround by enemies, He whispers this hope:

"No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise
him up at the last day
." -John 6:44

And then I cry, "Oh Father! Draw them! Draw me! Don't stop! We'll never come if You don't draw us!"

I find myself at His mercy, which though I tremble, is the best place for me to be. Though all odds are against me and the ones I love, and though the total otherness of Him who draws me threatens to send me running, I curl up at His feet, with my hands surrendered in the air saying,

"Lord, to whom shall I go? You have the words of eternal life." -John 6:68

I come boldly to You King of kings. I think I might be feeling a bit like Esther right now as I run boldly to the throne of grace, that I may obtain mercy and find grace to help in this time of need! You have every reason to reject me, certainly unless You extend Your scepter of grace towards me I'm dead! And so it is for these that I love too! Unless Your grace is for us, we're dead! But if I die, I die. For it is not hope in me or hope in them that sends me running to You, it's hope in YOU!!! "Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at Your right hand making intercession for us!" Oh those words are my hope!!! My hope, encourage my weak heart! The enemy surrounds me and these that I love, and I come to Your table where Your broken body is the feast on which my spirit can live! Let me just trust You! Save us Lord! Save these that I love, not just from hell for eternity, but from believing and helping hell now! Draw us to You and then we will draw near to You and You will draw near to us! My hope is in You Lord Jesus! My hope is in You!!!

Redeeming the time,


  1. Dear Sheila,

    I really had a good cry reading this post. The heartache for our loved ones can overwhelm us; it can seem so impossible to reach them; it takes so long for them to come to God. He wants on one to perish. Our hope is in the Lord.

    You are added to my prayer list today.

    Love, Ernestine

  2. What a beautifully written post, Sheila! That really touched me.

  3. Bless you sister! I've been in much prayer for you and your entire family. :-)

    I have a Christmas giveaway going on at my blog. It started today and will end next Thursday. It's FULL of resources for you to evangelize your own family, friends and complete strangers.

    With great love,

  4. How true it is that we feel so inadequate ourselves in the light of the Lord, that we cannot imagine Him wanting to save us! But, praise God for his mercy and grace so that we are saved and can share and spread His word!

    BTW, I gave you an award over at my blog, swing by if you get the chance!

  5. Oh, my tears are bubblin over like a babblin baby. Wow, what passion, and how this is the cry of my heart as well!!!!

    BTW, I THINK it is you, but forgive me if not, that likes the teen fiction pieces. I posted another one on my blog today, and I hope you are able to pass it on to whomever you mentioned the last time. Here's the link to make it easy:
    Double The Irony

    Much love,

  6. Wow. Touching prayer and beautifully worded. Btw, I love your new blog design. Your heading is adorable!

  7. I loved reading the passion in your post, and then all the impassioned responses above. Don't we all just love Jesus? Isn't it SO GOOD to hear others share their heart of love toward HIM?

    Bless you, Sheila!

    P.S. I really love this verse: "No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day." -John 6:44

  8. Ladies, I love it that each of you share in this passion for the hope of the gospel! We have no hope except in Him... and what a great and sure hope He is!!!

    It encourages my heart so much that each of you share this with me... we are not alone.

    Praying for you this morning!

  9. Again, wow...Just what I have needed, and I think you hit a little bit of what I have been feeling too, or at least what I should be feeling.

    I am adding you to my blog post updates..


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