I love looking at the original meanings of key words in scripture. Recently the Lord brought to mind one such meaning I'd studied:
"But the time is coming and is already here when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for anyone who will worship him that way. For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth." John 4:23-24
Worship: Greek- Proskuneo: Verb, to kiss the hand to (towards) one, in token of reverence
This past few days it's been only in the shower and in the bathroom that I've found a bit of reprieve from serving my post-surgical man and kiddos. Going into this surgery I knew there would be much needed from me, and I was actually quite excited about it, because the Lord has taught me over the past three years that it's in willing service that so often an opportunity for Jesus to be seen, questions to be asked... gospel to be shared happens.
But, the test comes when my physical energy is running dry. My motives are examined, "Are you kissing the Son Sheila? Are you worshipping Him or just looking for a pat on the back?"
Like Peter sitting next to Jesus by the sea after His resurrection and being asked, "Do you love me?" my answer to the Spirit of God has been, "You know me Lord? You know that there's a fleshly, imperfect woman here who wants a pat on the back, but when You search me You know that truly I do love You. I love You because You've loved me so much. I am doing this in worship... as though I were kissing You with my life! You deserve my life and so much more!"
But, the test comes when my physical energy is running dry. My motives are examined, "Are you kissing the Son Sheila? Are you worshipping Him or just looking for a pat on the back?"
Like Peter sitting next to Jesus by the sea after His resurrection and being asked, "Do you love me?" my answer to the Spirit of God has been, "You know me Lord? You know that there's a fleshly, imperfect woman here who wants a pat on the back, but when You search me You know that truly I do love You. I love You because You've loved me so much. I am doing this in worship... as though I were kissing You with my life! You deserve my life and so much more!"
This is probably a busy time of serving others in your house too, being the holidays and all. Are you kissing Jesus' hand in reverence with your service as worship? May we give Him our lives and do all we do as though we were kissing our Redeemer!
I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Romans 12:1
Redeeming the time,
That was beautiful! I have the spiritual gift of servanthood, and am so happy to serve when I have the opportunity (like tomorrow at church), but yes, sometimes I want approval, that pat on the back. God has been transforming my heart and I am living surrendered. I hope the day soon will come that I will truely set down my desires to be appreciated and just know that its all good with Jesus! Love your blog too, I follow :) Hope you can come by and see God's work in me too. Blessings, Robin
ReplyDeleteYou have such an amazing way of teaching and challenging. xo
ReplyDeleteKissing his hand - what a powerful image. Thank you for sharing that. We two had a similar conversation recently, "do you love me" - and I had to reply, "you have searched me and you know me!"
ReplyDeleteHi Shiela:
ReplyDeleteI found you on your previous site when I did a search on tilapia. If I were you, I'd skip the tilapia next time. It's worse for you than donuts, hamburgers, or bacon. You can visit my blog at http://www.newrinkles.com/index.php/archive/tilapia-something-fishy/ to learn more.
I love the image of Kissing the Son with our life.