con·sol·i·date, verb- 1. to bring together (separate parts) into a single or unified whole; unite; combine: They consolidated their three companies.
Well, I'm consolidating. I have several blogs, all of which I'd like to post on but don't seem to find the time or have anything to say. I thought rather than having a seperate blog I just need to simplify or consolidate and bring together under the one ministry of homemaker these other blog subjects. They are, after all, part of what God calls me to do in service to Jesus as a homemaker. So here's the plan:
I'll be posting (with no specific time schedule) on the following topics to replace the following blogs:
- Hebrews Thirteen Three. I'll just keep the title of the blog as the title for my posts. If you'd like to go here you can read about my heart for the persecuted church and my previous postings there.
- Learning as We Go Homeschool. I started a homeschooling blog, but I don't really have much to write out there...as the title reflects, I'm learning as I go. So rather than dedicate an entire blog, I'll periodically post what I'm learning or thoughts on homeschooling. I'll still keep the homeschool blog up which has the vision the Lord impresses on my heart for what and how to teach my kiddos...I'm sure I'll be re-reading that often just to remind myself why in the world I'm doing this.
- Timothy Moms. I'm not going to stop posting altogether at Timothy Moms. I'll still continue to post there, but I am taking a hiatus from that blog, which I see more as a group blog...a place for moms to share their resources, struggles, "ah-ha" moments, etc., as they lead their kids in love to Jesus. If you'd like to share something there I'd love to hear from you and be glad to post whatever you'd like to contribute (in keeping with the theme of the blog).
So if you have an interest or heart for Christians who suffer imprisonment and physical suffering for Christ and/or you are a homeschooler or a public/private schooler looking to glean some encouragement from a mom who's just learning as she goes in teaching her kids (cause we ALL teach our kids, homeschooled or not), you'll find those subjects here at this blog periodically.
Looking forwards to reading about your experiences of home schooling.