My Blog Facelift and a Little Mission Clarification

Yeah I changed my name again. I started blogging about 8 years ago actually. If you read through my blog (which I wouldn't recommend... much better reading material out there) you'd find this blog has gone through several name changes and paint jobs. The content has had a similar theme along the way with varying emphasis which if I plotted on a graph would directly correlate to the current state of my marriage.

I am a mom and wife of 23 years to a man who does not share my love and worship of Jesus.  We met as teenagers, married while I was still a teenager and new believer, and have endured many hard times together and apart.  We've been separated twice and nearly signed divorce papers both times.  But, for God's reasons (which are worth a lifetime of a difficult marriage) we didn't and so the saga continues and I continue to blog as a public display of my affection for Christ in this hard life.

I believe the truly Christian life is not wasted.  It's invested.  In eternity in the lives of those around us.  We die daily but not in vain.  We die daily to ourselves because we've seen a glimpse of the glory of God in the Jesus we've never seen with the eyes of our hearts and we're hooked!  We want his glory... at all costs.  We want him to be high and lifted up in all things, especially our lives!  And we want our lives to reflect the true nature of the God we were made to image.

And so I change my blog wallpaper here periodically and the title changes too because I'm being changed all the time.  I'm being developed and matured and conformed to the image of Christ and I want to encourage someone else and comfort someone else and grieve with someone else and rejoice with someone else even through a blog.

My heart for my home to be my primary field of mission for living out my life as a Christian, desiring my husband and children to join me in that life, has been the driving force behind this blog and the changing of titles usually reflects that heart.  Being a homemaker is not just being a mom and wife who doesn't work outside the home.  Being a homemaker is what all mom's and wives are specially designed and equipped to do.  It's a big topic on which I could blog a lot, and have.  But the term homemaker, especially in the Christian circle, has taken on a meaning that can cut a lot of women out of the picture.  I don't want to just be a blessing to stay-at-home-moms (although I want to bless them too!).  I want to encourage women of all circumstances to find their identity in Christ and to walk with him through this life.  Hence my return to A Woman Found.  As far as Sojourning Sheila goes, yeah, that describes me.  But I don't want this blog to just be about me.   Nothing wrong with that, I just feel like I might encourage another woman out there more if I don't just use this blog to write about me and my daily life stuff- I'll do that too, but I want to share the comforts I have been comforted in by Christ, and the sorrows I share with fellow suffers, and the joys only those who walk with Jesus know.  Only women, and men, found by Christ will really get what I talk about here.  Cause it just doesn't make sense without being found by Him.  And I want those who may read this blog, who don't worship Christ, to scratch their heads and hopefully pique their interest.  Maybe they would want to be found by Him too.

Ok.  That's all.

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