I haven't been giving "regular" or scheduled time to writing out well-thought and sincere posts lately, though I have a million of those posts floating around in my head.
I would like to share what our first month of homeschool has been like and what resources and ideas are working for me with busy 5 and 3 1/2 year old boys.
I want to write about exciting reverence! Just think about those words...exciting reverence. Something or someone which excites, or spurs someone on to be...reverent. Those two meaning packed words have been whispering encouragement and purpose in my ears A LOT lately! The come of out the Holman Christian Standard Bible translation of 1 Peter 3:2.
I want to post some pictures of reality around this house and my personal struggle to maintain an organized and clean home while keeping the more important priority of healthy relationships and child training most important.
But that last post thought leads to, "Don't write about it Sheila, just do it!"
Therefore I'm dashing in here to post a few things when I have a chance, but not the hours of writing and personal study, digging through pages of Greek/Hebrew lexicons and concordances, with pencil and journaled notes that I so love doing!
I have had a lot of thoughts on my mind lately that has me truly, "praying without ceasing," as I go about my Father's business as a homemaker.
Maybe you have a lot of thoughts going through your head too. Maybe you're overwhelmed with all you'd like to do and all that seems to never get done. Maybe you, like me, would be encouraged by this teaching I heard on Searchlight. Head over to this link and then listen to THE FULL TEACHING (not just the radio show) from 9-1-08.
May the Lord help me/us to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.
found by grace. looking to Jesus. loving a husband. raising men. nurse to the broken.
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Oooh, that was SO good! I'm going to have to blog about it, too, lol! Thank you so much for sharing!!