Don't forget this Sheila

I don't want to forget what the Spirit of God is so obviously confirming to me today through the message at church. Has this ever happened to you? Everywhere you go whatever you read the same message is coming through? I'm sure it has happened. For me this week it's this message:

  1. Give yourself to serving Jesus right where you are. From The Normal Christian Life, "...the Lord Jesus was laying down one thing as a basis of all service: that you pour out all you have, your very self, unto him; and if that should be all he allows you to do, that is enough...So there is your problem. You feel that were you to follow in that other brother's steps- were you, shall we say, to consecrate yourself enough for the blessing but not enough for the trouble, enough for the Lord to use you but not enough for him to shut you up- all would be perfectly all right. But would it? You know quite well that it would not. Take your eyes off that other man! Look at your Lord, and ask yourself again what it is that he values most highly. The principle of waste is the principle that he would have govern us. 'She is doing this for Me.' Real satisfaction is brought to the heart of God only when we are really, as people would think, "wasting" ourselves upon him. It seems as though we are giving too much and getting nothing- and that is the secret of pleasing God." (from pgs.181,182,183,184)

  2. Do "small" things as unto the Lord. From Regenerated Mag by Tim Sweetman, "No one wants to be known as the guy who is doing what the dictionary defines as "microscopic, minuscule, tiny, pocket-sized, little-bitty, poky, minor" and "insignificant." But what we don't realize is that is where we go wrong. We're so worried about being "known" by men. The problem is that we were not created to be known by mere men. Our aspiration should not be doing "big hard things" so that we can be noticed by those around us. When that is our focus and desire, we have run straight into the sin of pride- and those "big things" mean nothing. In contrast, our goal and our aim should be to magnify Christ as a telescope magnifies a celestial body. We want to be the one who shows those around us that that star may look small to us...yet, through the lens of our lives you get a whole new picture."

  3. Fulfill your ministry. From my pastor at church this morning, these points were raised. Bullet points confirming the message stirring in my heart and instructing me in specifics:

  • Whatever you do, do it in the character of Christ (the name of the Lord) Colossians 3:17

  • Acts 13:4, Lucius was raised in wicked Herod's house yet was saved and served Christ, so why do you worry about "that kid" who's being raised in a house with an ungodly influence (the Spirit spoke directly to my worries about my own children). Trust God Sheila! He's at work!

  • Acts 13:2, These men ministered TO not for, but TO the LORD by praying and fasting. God continues to bring this up to me. He has me where He has me, at home, and part of the ministry of "wasting" my life in worship of Jesus is to pray and fast to minister to Jesus, to let it somehow sound to Him like this, "I love you Lord!!!" Like sweet, expensive perfume poured out on my Lord.

  • 2 Timothy 4:5- Fulfill your ministry. The way you live your life Sheila is your ministry your worship of Jesus. It's not an "office" or "position", it's your day to day transformed life in the things everyone else does.

  • Acts 13- these guys were concentrating on the the ministry already given them (Barnabas and Saul), not waiting for their big break in ministry, the were ministering to the Lord in whatever they did. "An important key in discerning God's will for the future is to be doing His will now."

  • From Acts 13- Don't be surprised by ungodly opposition. You've been "taken back" several times Sheila when the spiritual battle arises and your mind is assaulted with distractions, doubts and lies. Don't be surprised, don't be taken back. Just stop and realize, your doing the work of the gospel- spreading the fragrance of worship to those around you and speaking the word of God- YOU ARE SHOOTING OUT FLARES FOR THE ENEMY! EXPECT IT! EXPECT OPPOSITION! AND DEAL WITH IT! Don't be taken back by it. Just put it in it's place quickly and move on with the ministry given you.

The Lord is very clear: You went to Arizona the first time for him, this time I sent you for Me. Set up your housekeeping (the ministry I've called you to). I didn't call you to glamour, I called you to endure. Do small, hard things for a long time as though you were a telescope bringing Jesus real close for your husband and children to see. Do small, hard things for a long time as though you were pouring out an priceless bottle of perfume on Jesus' head as just an act of worship. Do small, hard things for a long time believing that I give the increase Sheila...I will reward, don't loose heart.

"I know it's hard, it's not fun, and it's far from easy. But small things matter because in reality, they're not all that small. They make up great things. And the people who do these small things are not small people. If we are following God's call, we are a part of something great- each of us is taking part in "making much of" or glorifying God in everything we do. Big or "small."

Cleaning a bathroom to the glory of God is more important than giving money to help the poor for your own glory. That's how it works. The first shall be last. The servant, the greatest. The small things- they will be the biggest things.

I know it's hard, but when we realize that what we are doing, big or small, is not for our glory, it makes a whole lot more sense why we are in a certain period of our lives. It's for the glory of God." (from Small Things by Tim Sweetman at Regenerated Mag)

Moms, single-woman, wives...homemakers, I pray that God would give us vision to see our selves not as ourselves but merely as telescopes to bring up close and personal the person of Jesus Christ to those we pray for and serve as unto the Lord.

Worship the Lord with your life ladies (I'm speaking to myself primarily)! Fulfill the ministry He's called you to in "wasting" your life on Him by loving whoever makes up your house as though they were the Lord Himself. Do it as unto Him! May Jesus' head overflow with perfume as our surrendered lives say, "I'm doing this for You Lord! You deserve it!"


  1. I've got an award for you...come see!

  2. Your witness to the Lord's work is strengthening to us all! Found your blog today via Mari's award.

  3. Your witness to the Lord's work is strengthening to us all! Found your blog today via Mari's award.

  4. Stop by today (Monday). I've something for you ;)

  5. Thank you for the encouraging words at my blog! Your blog and your words and this whole site is awesome! So what I want my blog to be for HIM and HIS glory.

    I have a ways to go, but this is beautiful and I am able to see HIS heart here!

    Be Blessed!


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