I have a couple of books I've been wanting to brag on for awhile.
First I found this book: Country Wisdom and Know-How, Everything You Need to Know to Live off the Land, at Sam's Club the other day. I was so excited! I so want to live a "country wisdom know-how" life. I feel like I want to be a Little House on the Prairie wife but I find myself in a big city life (that rhymes...ooo, I feel a blog series or meme comin' on). There's great stuff for us un-educated-in-the-arts-and-sciences-of-homemaking-wives. For instance, I found a great tip on page 138 under "Breads" about how to get your bread to rise when you don't have a "warm" place to do it that is between 80-85 degrees like your recipe says. The book says, "...place a pan of boiling water on the bottom rack..." of a cold electric oven. Yeah! Now when I try AGAIN to make bread it won't be heavy and flat- I hope! :) There's a TON of other great stuff in this book to from how to make a bird-feeder to landscaping bulbs and sharpening hand tools. If you're a wanna be Little House on the Prairie wife like me it's a great resource. It only cost me 12 bucks too!
Next: The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis. I've been wanting to read more. I wanted to read a book by Elisabeth Elliot and still have yet to get my hands on one but the other day while doing a search at my library, racking my brain to come up with authors of books I might want to read, I found The Great Divorce. I love C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia series, which I must confess, I've only seen the movies and have a faint memory of seeing the books on my shelf when I was a kid but don't remember reading them. I was hoping to find that series at the library, but, surprise surprise they were all checked out. So I got the Great Divorce. I hadn't the faintest idea what it was going to be about and was a bit disappointed that I didn't find what I wanted, so I was a bit taken back when I cracked the book open the other day and read this (which really captivated the reader/writer/should have studied literature in me):
You cannot take all luggage with you on all journeys; on one journey even your right hand and your right eye may be among the things you have to leave behind. We are not living in a world where all roads are radii of a circle and where all, if followed long enough, will therefore draw gradually nearer and finally meet at the centre: rather in a world where every road, after a few miles, forks into two, and each of those into two again, and at each fork you must make a decision. Even on the biological level life is not like a river but like a tree. It does not move towards unity but away from it and the creatures grow further apart as they increase in perfection. Good, as it ripens, becomes continually more different not only from evil but from other good. I do not think that all who choose wrong roads perish; but their rescue consists in being put back on the right road. A sum can be put right: but only by going back till you find the error and working it afresh from that point, never by simply going on. Evil can be undone, but it connot 'develop' into good. Time does not heal it. The spell must be unwound, bit by bit, 'with backward mutters of dissevering power'- or else not. It is still 'either-or'. If we insist on keeping Hell (or even Earth) we shall not see Heaven: if we accept Heaven we shall not be able to retain even the smallest and most intimate souvenirs of Hell.... (from pgs. VIII and IX)
Wow! I can't wait to get into this book!!!!
And lastly, I found The Normal Christian Life by Watchman Nee. I purchased this "classic" as I've heard from many an honorable Christian that it's a must have. I've only read a few pages and already am rejoicing and finding myself walking around worshipping the One who saved me with fresh rememberances of what the scripture tells He's done for me!
What book finds have you found?
Oooh, the Country Wisdom book sounds fabulous! I need to learn all that stuff. I think it's an amazing skill to be able to "live off the land," and someday, it may be a skill that saves you. One never knows!
ReplyDeleteI have the Great Divorce but haven't read it yet. The excerpt you listed makes me want to go find it right this minute. I read something by Watchman Nee years ago but can't remember exactly what.
These books sound great and I look forward to trying out your chocolate chip cookie recipe:-)