A Hebrews Thirteen Three post: Pray for China

August 8th is the beginning of the Olympic games in China, but a much more arduous race has already begun in China... a race of endurance and of faith.

The Voice of the Martyrs along with China Aid is using the spotlight opportunity that is shining on China in these Olympics to call us Christians around the world to attention and to prayer.

I don't want to be a spectator in these Olympics, for I have brothers and sisters in China who, "Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No soldier gets entangled in civilian pursuits, since his aim is to please the one who enlisted him. An athlete is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules. It is the hard-working farmer who ought to have the first share of the crops." (2 Timothy 2:3-6)

Won't you join me to do more than sit and watch in these upcoming Olympic games. Join me in praying for our brothers and sisters in China who suffer simply for the name of Christ and for loving others to Him. And let us pray also for the Chinese leaders and government, police and prison workers, that their hearts might be one over by the love of Christ which proceeds out of the lives of the people they persecute.

"I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." - 1 Timothy 2:1-3

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