Thursday: three weeks into summer break.

I work tonight. After 11 days off I'm actually looking forward to working tonight. I have had every opportunity to write a post in these 11 days, but honestly I feel like I haven't had anything post-worthy to write about.

The enjoyment of the morning milking routine is still there, but unless I get up before 6 am it's pretty warm out and I've worked up a sweat by the time we're done.

The baby goats are growing fast.  They're about 10 weeks old now and very playful.

Our five chickens are only producing 2 or 3 eggs a day.  One of the chickens (formerly the egg eater) has yet to lay a single egg.  I have seen her sitting in a nest a few times.  Since she seems to be cured of egg eating I figured maybe she'll warm up to laying eventually too.  I'll give her some time but if no eggs after a reasonable time (and any adjustments I may need to make in my care of her) I think we'll have to cull her.

It's too darn hot to go outside between the hours of 8 AM and 7 PM.   I make a run outside to give fresh water and run the sprinkler in the animal enclosure once mid day.

Our indoor days have consisted of the game of LIFE, approved movies and video games, daily Bible readings, short exercise breaks, lots of brother silliness (accompanied by lots of sighs and walking away from me), surprisingly few days arguments, a trip or two to the city pool, a library visit, lots of reading on goats and laying hens, an overnight in the Payson area and a very good visit with a friend or two.

"Blessed by the Lord, who daily bears us up; God is our salvation." -Psalm 68:19

This was in my morning reading.  It's exactly what I needed.


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