Giving thanks brainstorm

Thank YOU Jesus...

You are God. The One who knows what it feels like to be in a fallen place, in a fallen body. Who knows sorrow, rejection, grief and pain. Who suffered for all my mistakes, sin and crooked nature just so I could know God and be made right, the way You created me to be. Thank YOU because YOU are God!

Thank YOU Jesus...
For receiving what I offer You. For the promise that You will never leave me or forsake me. For being so patient with me! For promising to be my children's teacher and peace. For a computer. For an oven and a kitchen and a couch. For mountains to climb. For moments of refreshment. For beautiful sunsets. For chocolate. For songs that speak my heart. For not giving up on me. For the blessing of being a mom! For letting me hear Your voice. For hope. For the Church. For Your Word preserved! For the ability to hear. For Kris and Darren. For the ability to see. For Austin, Ashley, Robert and Makayla. For perfume. For the promise that You are greater than he who is in the world. For the promise that You have overcome the world. For clean water! For Ethan, Nolan, Avery, Liam. For Searchlight. For the ability to smell. For letters, emails and phone calls from friends. For the country I live in. For orchids. For Samuel's mom! For listening to me and answering my prayers! For sleep! For perfume! For Moses' mom! For my trip to San Diego with the boys!! For being with me when I'm alone. For the ability to see. For free access to Your word. For being with me when I'm sick. For turning what is meant for evil into something good!!! For being with me all these years. For Kandace and Wally and John and Will. For going to the cross for me. For laughter! For pain that you promise is not in vain. For satisfying my thirst. For providing my needs and pampering me with pleasures. For hugs! For a healthy body. For cold water! For medicine. For a phone. For the sure confidence of resurrection life!!! For parents who told me about You! For the 31 Days of Praise book. For coffee! For a rescue! For being good!! For Jenene and Ken. For the promise of completing the work You started in me. For being with me when I'm with others. For deodorant. For the woman you gave me as a mom, Verna, Mom. For understanding landlords and maintenance people. For sadness that drives me to YOU! For a cell phone. For letting me pour out my complaints to You. For Arizona sunsets. For a job that allows me to be home with my boys when their home. For Connor and Ryland!!! For giving me Your Spirit! For the man you gave me as a dad, Bob, Dad. For the opportunity to help someone else. For the color blue. For James. For candles. For a hiding place. For letting me taste of the joy of being a wife with Your heart. For a warm home. For understanding me. For shoes that fit. For B.J. For being gentle. For April. For Eileen. For Frank. For a kind boss and co-workers. For that day on the floor in the kitchen. For a car that works. For helping me out of pits!!! For air conditioning. For a hot shower. For John and Lorna. For Internet access. For putting LOVE in my heart. For a pencil and paper. For a washer and dryer that work. For hands. For the promise to conform me to the image of Your Son. For the Streams in the Desert book. For watermelon. For dentists. For health insurance. For lights and a dishwasher. For quiet moments. For feet. For getting to tell someone else about Jesus! For airfreshner. For Bailey. For Jackson. For scorpions. For candles. For peace in the midst of pain....

I could go on and on Lord. It is good to give you thanks!

So glad He found me ,

Isaiah 51:3

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